Maatschappelijke impact en diversiteit als sleutel voor verandering
Een artikel van Lyn Gardner in The Guardian aan het begin van het nieuwe jaar over de problemen die de podiumkunst sector in Engeland onder ogen moet komen. "With adversity has increasingly come a long-overdue acknowledgement that theatre must change how it operates and shares resources, redefine who it works with and where and how, and rethink what it can do with space and place. “Believe that a successful collaboration is where your collaborator gets more from it than you do.” [...] As the Bush’s Madani Younis observed, long before Exhibit B even arrived in the UK, there [is] a pressing need to “challenge how cultural institutions see themselves and who they see themselves serving. Let’s be honest: if cultural value is dictated by an entrenched elite, is it any surprise that we have such a narrow understanding of what and who we are?” Lees hier verder.